Free DICT webinars for teachers with up to 15 CPD units

Free Digital Education and Workforce Webinar Series for October with CPD Units

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Luzon CLUSTER 3 through its  ICT Literacy and Competency Development Bureau (ILCDB) will be conducting the following webinar series this October 2021.

The webinars will be free and participants will be awarded with certificates with up to 15 CPD units.

Here is the October 2021 Training Calendar

October  1 
Designing Innovative E-Classroom Management Syatems
(with 3 CPD units)
By Ms. Maria Teresa Capiral

October 2 -
ML Classroom for Students
By Mr. Aldimin Kalli

October 4 -
Instructional Video Making Using Kinemaster and MS PowerPoint
(with 3 CPD units)
By Ms. Maria Teresa Capiral

October 9, 16 23, 30
IT Tools for Engaging Virtual Classroom
(with 12 CPD units)
By Mr. Mark John Viray

October 25-29
Adobe Bootcamp for Teachers
By Angen Azul


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