Digital Form 48 - Daily Time Record (DTR) in the New Normal
Pursuant to Section 4 (6) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 or the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines provides that Claims against government funds shall be approved with complete documentation and items 1.1.18 4.1.2 of COA Circular NO. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012, provided the necessary documentary requirements that must be complied with as support to the payment of salaries and wages.
Submission of Daily Time Record (DTR)
"NO DTR, NO SALARY POLICY" is implemented in offices since the Daily Time Records are the primary document and best evidence to prove that a certain employee has rendered his/her service, in the absence of which, there is no basis in claiming one's salary or the office to process an employee's salary, hence, everyone is instructed to observe office policy in the submission of DTR's.
Work Hours
Section 5, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 states that all government officials and personnel are required to render eight working hours a day for five (5) days a week, or a total of 40 hours a week excluding time for lunch. In compliance thereto and to the provisions set forth in CSC MC No. 10, s. 2020, the guidelines in the succeeding section on Attendance Monitoring are adopted relative to work hours during this period of national emergency situation.
Attendance Monitoring
Aside from the submission of Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report, personnel assigned as skeleton/physically reporting workforce may also record the actual time log on the days they are physically reporting to work using the log book or other Daily Time Record (DTR) mechanisms that will not require contact. The use of biometric machines is highly discouraged during this period to minimize contact.
Actual Time for Personnel Physically Reporting
For personnel physically reporting to the office/school/CLC, the workday may consist of six (6)-hours on-site at the workstation and two (2)-hours on WFH arrangement. This is to allow sufficient time for travel given the imposition of curfew hours, limited access to transportation, and other regulatory limitations on inter-zonal or cross-border travel.
For personnel physically reporting to the office/school/CLC, the workday may consist of six (6)-hours on-site at the workstation and two (2)-hours on WFH arrangement.
The time and attendance or the actual time log (in and out) shall be monitored using the log book or other Daily Time Record (DTR) mechanisms that will not require contact, and as reflected in the Office/School/CLC Workweek Plan (Enclosure No. 2) and Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report (Enclosure No. 3) as approved by the head of office; and no record of accomplishment means no work has been performed for the day, thus, subjecting the staff to absence.
The CSC Form 48 or the DTR of those who form part of the skeleton/physically reporting workforce shall reflect the report of the hours of work performed by the personnel, record of which was made daily at the time of arrival/time-in and departure/time-out from work station/office. The DTR, certified and approved by the Head of Office/Immediate Supervisor, shall be submitted to the Personnel Division/Section/Unit every 10th day of the succeeding month, together with the approved Individual Workweek Accomplishment Report.
Reference: DepEd Order No. 11, s2020 - Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education During the Period of State of National Emergency Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
DOWNLOAD Form 48 - Daily Time Record Template
- Digital_Daily_Time_Record_DTR_September_2021 - DOWNLOAD
- Digital_Daily_Time_Record_DTR_October_2021 - DOWNLOAD
- Digital_Daily_Time_Record_DTR_November_2021 - DOWNLOAD
- Digital_Daily_Time_Record_DTR_December_2021 - DOWNLOAD