Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1
The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and Blended Learning and shall be communicated through the parents for their reference and guidance for their reference and guidance.
Copies of the plans for the entire first quarter may be distributed to parents during the first Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting before the start of the school year. They shall be given comprehensive and clear orientation by the school about the contents, purpose, and use of the learning plan by their children. Hence, it is highly encouraged that teachers shall have prepared the Weekly Home Learning Plans for the first quarter prior to the opening of classes. The Weekly Home Learning Plans for the succeeding quarters may be distributed in time for the quarterly homeroom meeting. The same process shall be followed in terms of orientation about its contents, purpose, and use.
The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall aid teachers and parents in keeping track of the day-to-day in-school and off-school general learning processes as they implement the most suitable and feasible alternative learning modality based on the context of their school. It creates awareness among learners that they are responsible for what they learn.
The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and Blended Learning while the DLP or DLL which is prescribed in DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 otherwise known as the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program shall be prepared by teachers implementing F2F learning.
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1
Here are samples of Ready-Made WHLP for Grade 2. With special thanks to the uploader and author of these WHLP, Sir Ivan John.
LINKS in this compilation will be updated weekly.
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 1 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 3 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 4 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 5 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 6 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 7 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Weekly Home Learning Plan, Quarter 1-Week 8 - DOWNLOAD
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