Guidelines on the Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System for School Year 2020-2021
This has reference to Section 10.k of DepEd Order (DO) No. 11, s. 2020 titled Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education During the Period of State of National Emergency due to COVID-19 Pandemic, indicating the preparation for the initial activities of Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 as one of the work priorities anchored on the operationalization of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) and School Calendar and Activities for SY 2020-2021.
This Memorandum is hereby issued to provide comprehensive guidelines to all DepEd schools in the implementation of the SY 2020-2021 RPMS in the time of COVID-19 (see Annex A). This document outlines the specific guidelines, including the tools, protocols, and timelines, in the implementation of RPMS as anchored on the BE-LCP of the Department and aligned with the delivery of instruction through the learning delivery modalities (LDMs) appropriate in the context of local conditions and consistent with the COVID-19 guidelines and regulations.
Also attached are the prescribed RPMS tools for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers) and Master Teacher I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers) (see Annexes B and C, respectively), and the General Instructions to School Heads and Non-Teaching Personnel in Schools (see Annex D). It is reiterated that all Schools Division Superintendents (SDSs) and school heads are directed to employ the appropriate working arrangements, strategies, and modalities in the accomplishment of essential RPMS activities guided by the community quarantine declarations in the area where the school is located and consistent with the alternative work arrangement (AWA) issuances of the Department. Due diligence and caution following protocols are also emphasized:
1. Alternative strategies and online platforms must be utilized.
2. In cases when physically reporting to school is necessary, minimum public health standards and stringent physical distancing measures must be strictly observed.
3. Technical support and utmost consideration to school-based personnel who may encounter logistical challenges (i.e. transportation, challenges of the vulnerable groups, etc.) in the performance of duties to comply with this Memorandum must be extended to teachers.
The orientations and other capacity-building activities shall employ the most appropriate delivery modality, while strictly observing minimum public health standards and stringent physical distancing measures, consistent with existing rules and regulations set forth by the authorized agencies and DepEd.
All available materials on the RPMS-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), including tools (RPMS Tools, Classroom Observation Tools, and Self-Assessment Tools), forms (COT forms), and other support materials, for SY 2020-2021 in the time of COVID-19 can be accessed at or from the links below.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System for School Year 2020-2021 - DOWNLOAD
The NEW! RPMS TOOLS AND FORMS for SY 2020-2021 in the time of COVID-19 be downloaded HERE. > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD NEW RPMS-PPST FORMS